By This Time Next Month, You Could Have the Job You Want, the Money You Deserve and Respect that?s Been Missing.
?Congratulations! You?re Just Minutes Away from Discovering One of THE Most Powerful Job Changing Systems Ever Developed!?
Are you about to start a job search but feel you?re a little ?rusty? in terms of cover letter and resume writing?
Do you respond to job ads that seem to be a "perfect match" only to get reject letter after reject letter?
Have you gotten ?expert? advice on how to conduct a job search from friends and family but still seem to be stuck in neutral?
Since your reading this letter, the answer to at least one or all of these questions are obviously yes. That?s OK though, because you?re here now and that?s a great start!
Have you ever worked for someone that you knew you were smarter than and wondered, ?How in the heck did he/she ever get that position? Who hasn?t?
Or how about that knucklehead in the next cubicle who couldn?t figure out how to turn the copy machine on, who now has a great job making more money than you with stock options.
This happens more times than you can possibly imagine. Sometimes life just isn?t fair. But it doesn?t have to be that way!
Wake up and smell the coffee! I don?t care how great your credentials are, how smart, good looking or hard working you are, the bottom line is this.
If you don?t have a great ?story? as told through exceptional cover letter and resume and a great interview, than you?re cheating yourself out of a more fulfilling career and untold thousands of dollars of immediate and future income. Let me repeat?he who has the best ?story? gets the job.
Let me define ?story?. A great story is one in which you consistently present yourself to the hiring company as the best possible candidate. You do this by showing them that you are the only person that can solve problems.
To do this, you need to be well prepared, highly motivated and have a resume and cover letter system where all the pieces of your ?campaign? are closely aligned. It requires thought, study logic and of course practice.
Every step of the process has to have a CONSISTENT style. Cover letter, resume, interview, thank you letters, negotiating, etc. AND it has to be the style the hiring company is looking for.
Maybe your situation today is similar to what mine was a few years ago. I worked my butt off at the office for ungrateful boss, who paid me a less than I was worth. And for what? So he could let me go with only 24 hours notice and no severance pay.
After that happened to me twice (that?s right twice), I decided that that was 2 times too many. First, I got mad, then I got smart, then I swore I would never be caught unprepared ever again.
It was then that I made up my mind to become an expert on anything and everything to do with finding a new job.
"Now You Can Use My Simple, Time Tested, Step-By-Step System That Turns Your Cover Letter and Resume Writing Into an Unstoppable Interview-Generating Machine"
Hi, my name is Jason Adams and since 1977 I have worked for 9 different companies ranging from a start-up venture with virtually no sales to a multi-billion dollar, multi-national company. During that time I held 20+ different positions in sales, marketing and general management. In addition, I?ve interviewed and hired hundreds of people for a multitude of positions.
In 30+ years I?ve taken so many courses (from the companies I worked for) on how to hire great people that I?ve lost count. I?ve read more ?How To? books and articles on finding a job, than most HR professionals and so-called career counselors.
In addition, I?ve been through multiple ?outplacement programs? from some of the top companies in that industry.
Over the years, friends, colleagues and business associates were so impressed with how good I was at cover letter and resume writing and how I was able to get the new positions I wanted, that they suggested I write down my step-by-step approach.
The first thing I did was to create and then teach a 1-day workshop entitled ?Get Hired ? Job Hunting Strategies That Get Results?. I taught my students how to write resumes and cover letters, answer ads, interview, etc. Although that was successful, I knew I could not reach as many people as I wanted to reach teaching only 30 ? 50 people at a time.
It was then that I decided that I would re-write the course into more of a Job Changing ?System?. As you know, systems are what make so many franchises successful.
Why do you think McDonalds?, Starbucks? and Kinko?s? store and franchises are so successful? Because they have, over time developed systems that work.
Make no mistake, people who buy a franchise aren?t buying hamburgers, coffee or copy machines, they?re buying a program that has proven the test of time, they are buying a successful system!
That?s why the most successful franchises cost so much?because if you do what they tell you to do, if you "connect the dots", if you "paint by their numbers", your odds of success go up dramatically.
"A Breakthrough System for Finding a Better Job, at a Great Company, Making More Money, From Someone Who?s Been There and Done That"
I had worked faithfully at the same company for almost 8 years until they re-organized and I found myself out of a job. With a huge mortgage, a wife and 3 children to support, I was scared to death. After getting a hold of the StreetSmart Job Changing System though, I was quickly able to get my act together and was interviewing within 3 weeks. I ended up getting a better job making more money in a company? Read?more?
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