Thursday, May 19, 2011


you know that whole moving nonsense we did... well i keep TRYING to get life organized at our new home.. which is the impossible mission with 2 working adults, an insanely busy teenager and messy toddler {no really, he thinks garbage just gets dropped where ever at all times}.

this past weekend was my FIRST free {meaning no volleyball tournaments, no functions aka family get togethers, birthday parties, baby showers, teenager taxi service... }weekend since we have relocated. i actually got something hung up on the walls.?

dont get too excited. my garage still looks like the dump. my closets are filled with things that are just longing to be put away but instead sit in sharpie labeled boxes. im convinced the teenagers room {remember what it looked like before} will never be worthy of seeing. ever. the headboard is still leaned against the far wall - not connected to the bed. oh and the toy room... i cant even begin to describe what looks like a natural disaster has occurred in there. need i say more?now... im perfectly fine staying in the house all weekend with the goal of making our house a home. my family on the other hand has a different idea. they are not the least bit happy about the fact that they are cleaning when they should be having "fun". im frantically trying to finish putting this place together and all i hear is, "mom stop organizing", "theres nothing to eat in this house" {which deciphered in teen code means we have no cereal, bagels, chips, frozen pizzas, chai, candy, etc}, "when are you gonna go to the store", "can we pu-leaze go to the park mama".?

no wonder it takes me forever to get anything done around here.?

if people {aka my family} would just stop eating {or shopping and cooking for themselves}, wear the same clothes everyday {or do their own laundry instead of nap}, clean a room {or pick up after themselves}... i just might be able to complete a task.?

hehe she HATES sleeping pictures making an appearence on the blog.. but seriously you know that feeling you get when you look at your little baby sleeping... it never goes away. ever. no matter how old

then i think about 4 years from now... when amira will be graduated {and off to college} and years {many many years} later when braeden is off {good god thats a long time away}.... and i sit in my perfectly cleaned house {because by then i will have my husband trained}... in silence.. with no one yelling at me. no one interrupting my favorite show. no one to pick up after or shuttle around.?

man, i will be bored and miss these days.?

so, i walked away from those piles and piles of laundry - i walked past that headboard leaning against the wall - i shut the hall closet full of unopened boxes...?

and went to the park {"mama lets go play" it gets me every. single. time}, and after im gonna go to the store, get some junk food, and make a memory with my favorite peeps in the whole entire world.

i can finish all that other stuff. later.?


the voice bartender jana kramer cee lo green forget you hawks

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